Friday, November 9, 2007

OpenAniDB: C++ Rewrite Status

Figured since it's been five whole days (gasp!) I should let you guys in on the status of things. The C++ rewrite was something I had on the back burner as a way to enforce some coding habits, like type safety and thread safety, missing in Python. It's still in wx, but should be much faster and cleaner. Anyway, here's what's up.

  • Complete. This file was generated by openanidb.wxg and wxGlade, and its contents have not really changed. Well, the guts of the events are different, but the structure is the same. This file draws the actual window and such.
  • Not started. As far as I know, there's no wx equivalent for the settings/config file system in Python. As you might imagine, I am not looking forward to having to write my own.
  • Not started. It's pretty much the same SQLite antics as before. I haven't decided whether or not to put it in a thread or just reentrant functions, but it's not going to be very difficult.
  • Not started. This will probably be the last file to be ported. It's like two inline functions for MD4/eMule hashing.
  • N/A. Not going to be ported. I have a Makefile instead.
  • Incomplete. The thread structure is filled out, mostly. Still needs hooks for DB and config, which are (unsurprisingly) not started. Also need UDP code, which is missing from wx 2.6. It's in wx 2.8, but neither Debian nor Gentoo have it. I'm gonna kill something. In the meantime, I need to find some way around it; probably some kind of supplementary UDP code.
Isn't that all so very pretty? So, don't think I'm not working. Or, say I'm not working enough. Whichever.

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