Saturday, January 26, 2008


I'm doing RPM this year. Whoo-hoo. Also, there's been a massive thing of commits to OpenSmash, mostly just getting ready for a true arena setup.

There have been other things going on, but none of them are really worth mentioning here. Expect me to cross-post RPM status between here and RPM's blogs.

~ C.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Happy New Year, 2008!

Hey, guys. It's time for a "State of the Corbin" entry. Bear with me.
  • I'm dropping OpenAniDB. There is not enough interest, both from me and the community, and with everything else that's going on, I don't think I can keep hacking away at code that is ultimately lackluster at best. I'm not releasing the C++ source, mostly because it is, frankly, steaming shit. I bet the Python will be easier to maintain; it's certainly better-commented. Good luck to whoever decides to hack on that.
  • I haven't posted in nearly a month because I've been switching schools. Sorry 'bout that. Won't happen again for a while, hopefully, so I'll be posting more stuff here again.
  • I'm going to step up the rate at which I record music. I've been given a chance to work with some local jazz bands as a pianist, so more music is inevitable, and I plan to share a lot with you guys.
  • I have created a new Linux distribution in response to a need: I needed a live distro that had a lot of recovery packages, was reasonably up-to-date, and that just worked. So, I've created Box-o-Trix. More on this later; I will eventually put it up on Dreamhost or something along those lines.
  • Justin and I are returning to work on OpenSmash. I may or may not have more code of my own to write, or I might join another project. We'll see.